The sun rising, once again.

October 13th 2023, The Kornowskis wedding day reflected a haven of tranquility. With an intimate gathering of close family members, the energy among us filled with serenity and harmony. The couple’s deep connection and shared history allowed them to prioritize their own comfort, cultivating ambiance of contentment.

“We know this isn’t a final step in your relationship, but instead a new page turned. A chapter beginning. The sun rising, once again.

Friends Officiating Friends

Asking a friend or family member to officiate your wedding?

The Valley Index offers services for friends officiating friends.

By providing a consultation, checklist, script template and final revision – your friend (or you, if you’ve been asked to perform a ceremony) will have full confidence in moving forward with honor.

Gift your friend this service when asking them to take the step of officiating you and your partner. A guaranteed moment of relief will fill their hearts and excitement will take place of any worry.

The Stellners

An honor it was to officiate The Stellners

As Nate explains their love, he states it has only grown over time,
slowly like a rough stone being smoothed out in a river bed.

They’ve been together as a couple for 13 years, and will always be lucky enough to know they’ve been each other’s better half for even longer. Meeting at only 2 years old, the two of them were aware of the importance the other held. It was in their friendship that they found love.

The Valley Index

The Valley Index to me is a very real, tangible place. The valley outside my window is the place I call home. The hills that make large arches touching open sky, where the sun sets every evening running its long bright fingers down log cabin walls. Birds of all species that fly above the house in a loyal, protective circle. I hear them caw and whistle new songs. I make sure to feed them. Along with my family, cooking fresher food than ever before. Feeling nourished not only by food but the inspiration I indulge and serve on my own table. My table that holds many offerings, conversations and thrifted China plates. Home decor that is only brought in if it has been pre-loved or recycled a time before. There’s something more valuable about a piece when the initial value is unknown. I’ve always been passionate about curating an environment that speaks to me. Anything else is space wasted. Because of this, I have a special place in my heart for environments that hold story, conversations that are deeper than surface level, experiences that bring out something new in me. Something I can reflect on, and a reminder of why I am alive in the first place. To give in and take flight. Even through any uncertainty I might feel, I focus on the faith I have. It is faith that brought me here in the first place, a chance to be taken. I let God lead me. I moved from a city of over 500,000 thousand people to a town of less than 700. I call it the “Art of Just Knowing” when we encounter either a place or a person that is filled with so much certainty, anything else wouldn’t make sense. It isn’t an art we create but an art that happens to us. If we’re lucky enough we will surrender. Thankfully, I surrendered, and because I did I know I will never look back. I will look forward and into this valley. The wide open blue. The free fields that gallop their way into the distance. I will wake to this place every morning of every day for the rest of my life. Holding my warm cup of coffee, I hear my daughter laughing in her room at the sight of her “Da Da” entering with his crazy morning hair.

I believe we all have the ability to find a place of belonging, and if we don’t have that place yet, the longing can inspire us. It can take us and shift us into the places calling us home.

Although I’ve found my home and half of the time I want to burrow so deep into it I never have to leave – the other half of the time I feel ambitious and curious. Floating along with my ideas, hobbies and missions, listening to my thoughts, supporting all (almost all) of my aspirations… the way a good friend would. I thought to myself, I need a place to put all of this. An index. So here it is. A place to organize pieces of my soul. Sometimes brain. And while doing so, I thought I’d share with anyone who may be interested. Connection is one of the key components of living. Whether we connect personally, or enjoy each others existence in silence, either is beautiful and recognized. So with that being said, welcome.

-Sadianne Abernathy

May your journey lead you home, time and time again.

Ordained Minister and Writer

Q: What services do you perform?

A: Wedding ceremonies and vow renewal ceremonies. I also provide writing services such as personalized vows, vow templates, wedding speeches and funeral speeches.

Q: What religion do your services fall under?

A: I am a Christian who believes in the freedom of choice. All spiritual beliefs and sexual orientation is accepted and welcomed.

Q: What is the most important part about being an Ordained Minister?

A: For me, nothing means more than having my clients involved in the services I perform. Every client of mine has an unlimited amount of consultation before any service is performed or finalized. I find importance in a personal vision and delivering exactly that.

Q: Where are your services rendered?

A: In person services are rendered in the Driftless Region, Madison and Milwaukee areas. Writing services are rendered anywhere remotely.